September 1, 2019Changing LeadsRacehorses learn to do flying lead changes from an early age…Read More
June 1, 2021Run Fast and Jump HighDiscover how the lifestyle of the steeplechase horse differs from that of a flat racer…Read More
June 1, 2018Don’t Call Them UselessOptions for horses coming off the track that aren’t sound enough for athletic second careers…Read More
April 1, 2018English Saddle Fitting for OTTBsKeep your horse comfortable as he transitions off the track…Read More
June 1, 2017Surviving Stall RestA shift in diet, environment and enrichment can help your OTTB face confinement while he heals.…Read More
June 1, 2019Picking Prospects: Summer 2019Makeover trainers evaluate sport horse potential based on conformation shots…Read More
September 15, 2022Horse Racing Safety InitiativesLearn about proactive horse welfare and safety measures in place and on the horizon.…Read More
December 1, 2020Gold Medal Tips for the Perfect ClipShave time off your cooldown and keep your horse comfortable during winter exercise with advice from professional groom Emma Ford…Read More
December 1, 2017Online OTTB Shopping Dos and Don’tsWith the advent of social media, shopping for an OTTB became easy and fun. But there are some things the savvy shopper should know before saying “yes” to a pretty face online.…Read More
June 1, 2016Watching the WorksHead to the track at daybreak to see the horses work at varying speeds and distances…Read More
December 1, 2019Picking Prospects: Winter 2020Makeover trainers evaluate sport horse potential based on conformation shots…Read More
April 1, 2021The Essential Equine Emergency KitHaving a well-stocked first-aid kit and the skills necessary to use it can make all the difference when trouble arises…Read More
April 1, 2018A Racehorse’s Best FriendTrack ponies play important roles both on training and race days…Read More
June 1, 2020Paddock SchoolingThe paddock provides a space for bettors and racing interests to evaluate horses…Read More
July 1, 2022The Claiming GameUnderstand this unique type of race, its benefits and its specifications.…Read More
April 1, 2019Place Your BetsA guide to handicapping a horse race that any Thoroughbred fan can follow…Read More
December 1, 2019From the Ground UpEstablishing connection, confidence and a foundation for your OTTB through groundwork…Read More
April 1, 2017Shoeing at the TrackShoeing the racehorse is not the same as shoeing the sport horse — learn about the differences.…Read More
November 20, 2022Make Me a MatchWhat goes into a perfect match between an OTTB and a rider? Two seasoned pros share their tips.…Read More
July 18, 2022The Amateur Owner LifestyleHow working adults balance busy lives and OTTB ownership.…Read More
December 1, 2017The Power of the PPsWhat your OTTB’s past performance record can potentially tell you about his second-career capabilities…Read More
September 1, 2019Picking Prospects: Fall 2019Makeover trainers evaluate sport horse potential based on conformation shots…Read More