September 1, 2021The Art of GallopingLearn how jockeys and exercise riders communicate with their horses during training and races…Read More
September 1, 2021Rising WorthThe demand for and value of quality off-track Thoroughbreds has increased…Read More
November 20, 2022From the Racetrack to the RanchThe transition for an OTTB from the track to the Western disciplines isn’t about speed but patience.…Read More
June 1, 2019Microchipping Your HorseRegister and track your Thoroughbred with this important identification tool…Read More
March 1, 2020Registering RacehorsesA Thoroughbred’s paper trail begins at conception and continues through his racing career…Read More
December 1, 2021Your OTTB Colic Prevention PlanTips for preventing colic during the retirement, retraining and rehoming processes…Read More
June 1, 2019Comeback KidsPatience, perseverance key for bringing OTTBs back from injuries sustained post-racing…Read More
December 1, 2021Growing Up in the BluegrassWhy Central Kentucky is a prime breeding ground for Thoroughbred racehorses…Read More
June 1, 2019How Racehorses TravelOn the road or in the skies, privately or commercially, many racehorses are frequent travelers…Read More
December 1, 2018A Horse With No Name: Identifying ThoroughbredsTips for identifying Thoroughbreds with unknown pasts…Read More
April 1, 2018English Saddle Fitting for OTTBsKeep your horse comfortable as he transitions off the track…Read More
December 1, 2018How Much Does an OTTB Cost?From purchase price to routine care, find out what expenses you’ll likely encounter with your OTTB…Read More
December 1, 2021Grooming on the TrackRacehorses, just like riding and show horses, get groomed to the nines…Read More
November 20, 2022Make Me a MatchWhat goes into a perfect match between an OTTB and a rider? Two seasoned pros share their tips.…Read More
April 1, 2022Developing Young RacehorsesSeabiscuit, the popular runner in the 1930s who became the subject of a bestselling book in 1999 and a major movie in 2003, raced 35 times as a 2-year-old. That didn’t stop him from competing a total of 89 times…Read More
December 1, 2017Give ‘Em A BreakWhy many Thoroughbreds need to be “let down” after retiring from the track.…Read More
September 1, 2018Reducing Colic RiskWhether transitioning off the track or flourishing in a new career, OTTBs are vulnerable to gastrointestinal upset.…Read More
April 1, 2020Green on GreenAre OTTBs appropriate for novice riders? Here are some factors to consider.…Read More
September 1, 2020Understanding Thoroughbred SalesWhat happens when a future racehorse is offered at public auction…Read More
December 1, 2017The Power of the PPsWhat your OTTB’s past performance record can potentially tell you about his second-career capabilities…Read More
September 1, 2019Nutritional Supplements for Your OTTBHow to evaluate product quality and claims, plus supplement categories that might benefit your horse…Read More
June 1, 2020What’s Your Makeover Horse Worth?Assessing an OTTB’s value as it transitions to a new career is far from an exact science…Read More
December 1, 2017Managing Limb Deviations in FoalsChances are, your OTTB was managed carefully to ensure he grew up with well-balanced limbs…Read More