April 1, 2021The Great Headgear DilemmaHow to choose the right bit and bridle for your OTTB…Read More
December 1, 2020Gold Medal Tips for the Perfect ClipShave time off your cooldown and keep your horse comfortable during winter exercise with advice from professional groom Emma Ford…Read More
April 1, 2017Shoeing at the TrackShoeing the racehorse is not the same as shoeing the sport horse — learn about the differences.…Read More
June 1, 20164 Tips for Healthy Thoroughbred HoovesManagement approaches can help get your OTTB started on the right foot.…Read More
December 1, 2021Growing Up in the BluegrassWhy Central Kentucky is a prime breeding ground for Thoroughbred racehorses…Read More
September 15, 2022Horse Racing Safety InitiativesLearn about proactive horse welfare and safety measures in place and on the horizon.…Read More
December 1, 2016What Makes a Turf vs. a Dirt Horse?Trainers consider footing preferences, pedigree and way of going when deciding which racing surface to run a horse on.…Read More
June 1, 2021You’ve Got To Have HeartThoroughbred blood is the not-so-secret sauce that helps Warmbloods live up to their sport horse status…Read More
June 1, 2017Surviving Stall RestA shift in diet, environment and enrichment can help your OTTB face confinement while he heals.…Read More
June 1, 2019Microchipping Your HorseRegister and track your Thoroughbred with this important identification tool…Read More
April 1, 2019Place Your BetsA guide to handicapping a horse race that any Thoroughbred fan can follow…Read More
April 1, 2018Royal BloodThoroughbreds have played a critical role in the development of modern-day Warmbloods.…Read More
December 1, 2016Therapy ThoroughbredsMeet four ex-racehorses helping heal human bodies and minds.…Read More
September 1, 2021Rising WorthThe demand for and value of quality off-track Thoroughbreds has increased…Read More
December 1, 2020Getting to Know You‘Letdown’ for retiring Thoroughbred racehorses is more about relationship-building than a predetermined amount of time off…Read More
September 1, 2016Protecting Your Horse’s BackSome Thoroughbreds come off the track with tight or painful backs…Read More
April 1, 2016Gate TrainingBreaking from a starting gate doesn’t come naturally to a horse; learn how trainers teach their young Thoroughbreds this unique skill safely and effectively…Read More
December 1, 2018A Horse With No Name: Identifying ThoroughbredsTips for identifying Thoroughbreds with unknown pasts…Read More
July 1, 2022Biosecurity Tips for Traveling OTTBsHow to reduce your horse’s risk of picking up pathogens at clinics, trail rides and horse shows.…Read More
December 1, 2019From the Ground UpEstablishing connection, confidence and a foundation for your OTTB through groundwork…Read More
December 1, 2018How Much Does an OTTB Cost?From purchase price to routine care, find out what expenses you’ll likely encounter with your OTTB…Read More
April 1, 2021The Essential Equine Emergency KitHaving a well-stocked first-aid kit and the skills necessary to use it can make all the difference when trouble arises…Read More
September 1, 2019Changing LeadsRacehorses learn to do flying lead changes from an early age…Read More