1. Mensa G, Dressage Score of 49.5
7. Here’s To You, Dressage Score of 52.2
19. Houdini, Dressage Score of 61.0
=21. Pirate, Dressage Score of 61.8
=21. Madison Park, Dressage Score of 61.8
23. Tsunami, Dressage Score of 63.0
27. Shiraz, Dressage Score of 64.7
28. Irish Rhythm, Dressage Score of 67.8
29. Collection Pass, Dressage Score of 68.2
The remaining Thoroughbreds left to go are listed below, with their ride times (in Eastern Standard Time):
Expedience- 11:20am
Ziggy- 12:00pm
Relentless Pursuit- 1:30pm
Sir Rockstar-3:30pm
You can read the full list of all the Rolex Thoroughbreds on our website HERE and download our exclusive Rolex newsletter and score sheet HERE. The link to watch the entire competition LIVE can be found HERE.
And if you are in the Lexington area, we encourage you to stop by our booth in the Rolex trade show. We are located on the upper level in the north east corner. Say hi to Steuart, shop for RRP gear and grab the print copy of our latest newsletter!
Stop by our booth! Located on the upper level, north east corner.
All of the riders of OTTBs have been invited to attend the Thoroughbreds for All! Kentucky event on the Friday evening of Rolex at West Wind Farm, home of the New Vocations Racehorse Adoption Program. Tickets are still available – http://www.eventbrite.com/e/thoroughbreds-for-all-kentucky-tickets-10637891219